In true celebratory style, it is my month-iversary at my new (part time) job which I took on after being made redundant and, as I'm sure you are aware, leaves me time to train as a driving instructor. To celebrate this milestone, I decided it is time for a little reflection. I am now working for a small company rather than a messy sprawling company with fingers in several international pies so naturally comparing the two seems a good way to reflect. Please don't consider this to be any form of career advice, if you are young, naive and looking for a job, you will find no guidance here as to the type of company you should consider. These are simply the views of a jaded and cynical grumpy. So lets consider a few things:
1. Bullshit. Right, we need some blue sky thinking here. Let's put some ideas in the mental microwave and wait for it to ping. Run the flag up the flagpole, see who shoots it. I'm actually quite good at bullshit. It's just a kind of corporate or technical waffle. Ten years in the civil service gives you a good grounding. In fact, in many respects, I quite like bullshit you can use it to your advantage in all sorts of situations. What I don't like though is that poor cover up type bullshit that managers use to cover up their inadequacies. The amount of bullshit produced is, no doubt, absolutely proportional to the size of the organisation. After all, they do say shit floats upwards.
2. Sycophancy. We're at the opposite end of the scale now. I would never do well in a large organisation because I must have been off school they day they taught sucking up. Big company, in my experience, watch your step so you don't trip over people bowing down to management. Smaller companies tend to work much more on an everyone getting on together kind of a way. There's little point getting your nose brown because there isn't the structure to worm promotion in to.
3. Camaraderie. I've struggled over this one because the differences aren't quite so obvious. There is the same camaraderie, in my experience, in any size company; after all we're all working towards the same common goal aren't we? (sorry slipped into bullshit then). The only difference is in a big company there are more people to relate with and, just by simple laws of chance, there is a higher chance that there will be someone who gets so far up your nose they're wandering around in your brain. In a big company though, you can often hide from them. Woe betide some irritating oik in a small company - there is no escape. Then again, perhaps my ambition could be to be that oik.
4. Hiding. Big company, several people doing the same thing, oodles of opportunity to use lines such as "It was him", "He told me to", "Well, I may have done, but you'll never guess what SHE did", "Maybe but at least I didn't....", "Not my responsibility". You get the picture. Not that I would ever slope shoulders and pass the buck of course not. Well, maybe a little, but at least I didn't do what he did.
5. Technology. Sorry, I've slipped into my old life now. Big company, usually big budget for technology. Small company, bring your own string and baked bean can. However, there are common issues here as well. I remember in the eighties talk about the paperless office. Computers and technology generate paperwork, they don't save it. And that's true in a one man company or multinational.
6. Money. Again, common ground, both large and small companies will probably pay you. However, don't expect big bucks in a small company. Come to that, there didn't seem to be big bucks in the big companies either.
7. Offshoring. There are two issues here. Firstly, small company most unlikely to transfer huge chunks of its operation to foreign parts thereby making you redundant. And anyway, offshore for UK is only onshoring somewhere else? Second issue, offshoring isn't a real word. Nor is onshoring come to that (I may have just made it up, if so baggsy the copyright). Even my spell checker underlines it with a wiggly red line. And this is the tip of the iceberg. Don't have a word for it? make one up or use another word that doesn't really work. Networking, benchmarking and, my all time anti-favourite - solutioning.
Anyhow, nothing to do with small vs big companies, but in case it has escaped your attention, we have slipped into advent. Little over three weeks to go till the big fella slips down your chimney. In an unnatural and unlikely state of organisation we are prepared for Christmas in the Kirby household. That's it bragging over. I am, however, desperately excited about Christmas this year. Any day now it will be time to start winding the kids into a frenzy of excitement. Then regret it several minutes later.
Finally, a cause célèbre. I have discovered that I can create sort of sub blogs. This means I can retire the redundancy blog just as soon as I have a title. I'm so excited you wouldn't believe it. I have created another blog-ette. You may recall that I have got the bike out of the shed and started riding it. I have created a blog that will, eventually I'm sure, waffle on about my rides and include some pictures of buildings, views and old stuff that will interest me and no-one else. If you're masochistic enough to take a shufty, you can find it by clicking here.
That's it for today, thanks for your time, I hope this was an enhancing experience for all. We must touch base sometime and check the methodology to circumvent the pinch points that might just disintermediate the client base and ensure we are in the right ball park. Remember this blog is available 24/7 24/365.
A Year in the Pub
1 year ago
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